6 X Gold Leopard Sailfin Mollies – Poecilia Latipinna – Livebearer


Get 6 X Gold Leopard Sailfin Mollies – Poecilia Latipinna – Livebearer for your aquarium. Enjoy secure transit with our 24-hour courier service and shipping convenience for multiple items. Our Dead on Arrival (DOA) policy ensures refunds or replacements. These native North and Central American mollies require a well-maintained tank with hiding spots. Feed them a varied diet for optimal health. With a moderate growth rate and peaceful behavior, they are suitable for intermediate fishkeepers. These livebearers have prolific breeding habits. Maintain good water quality for disease prevention. Thrive in slightly brackish water conditions. Average lifespan of 3-5 years. Their striking coloration makes them popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

101 in stock

6 X Gold Leopard Sailfin Mollies – Poecilia Latipinna – Livebearer


SKU: c56e7d6a-9863-449d-a125-746611306f77 Categories: , Tag: