Brachydanio Kerriblue Danio, Kerr`S Danio X 10


Brachydanio Kerriblue Danio, also known as Kerr’s Danio, is a stunning and vibrant fish species that adds a splash of color to any aquarium. Native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Cambodia, these danios thrive in moderate to fast-flowing water with dense vegetation. With a minimum tank capacity of 10 gallons, a gentle filtration system, and stable water parameters, they can easily be cared for by both beginners and experienced aquarists. These active and peaceful fish enjoy swimming in schools and are compatible with other peaceful species. With a diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods, they can reach their adult size of 1.5 to 2 inches within a few months. Breeding and reproduction can be encouraged in a separate tank with fine-leaved plants and a slightly higher water temperature. With proper care, Brachydanio Kerriblue Danio can live for 3 to 5 years, showcasing their stunning blue coloration that intensifies with age.

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