L046 Zebra Pleco – Hypancistrus Zebra – L098 – South American Catfish


The L046 Zebra Pleco, scientifically known as Hypancistrus Zebra, is a stunning and sought-after catfish species. With its unique black and white striped pattern, this fish adds a touch of elegance to any aquarium. This comprehensive guide provides detailed information on its functionality, features, and use-cases. Buy the L046 Zebra Pleco – Hypancistrus Zebra – L098 – South American Catfish from our wide selection of catfish and fish. Secure transit, shipping convenience, and a Dead on Arrival (DOA) policy ensure a safe and hassle-free purchase.

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L046 Zebra Pleco – Hypancistrus Zebra – L098 – South American Catfish
