10 X Red-Line Tetras – Hyphessobrycon Amapaensis – South American Tetras


10 X Red-Line Tetras – Hyphessobrycon Amapaensis – South American Tetras: Vibrant and captivating, these Red-Line Tetras will add beauty and liveliness to your aquarium. Native to the Amapá region in South America, these tetras thrive in freshwater environments with dense vegetation. With a peaceful nature and active swimming behavior, they are suitable for community aquariums. Easy to care for and adaptable, these tetras grow to around 2 inches in length and can live for 3-5 years with proper care.

2000 in stock

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10 X Red-Line Tetras – Hyphessobrycon Amapaensis – South American Tetras


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