Attributes: 2 X Red Paradise Fish – Macropodus Opercularis «Red» – Labyrinth Fish
Short Description: Beautiful and vibrant red paradise fish that are perfect for aquarium enthusiasts.
Product Categories: Labyrinth Fish gourami’s, Fish
Product Description:
Scientific and Common Names:
The scientific name for the Red Paradise Fish is Macropodus Opercularis, and it is commonly known as the Red Paradise Fish.
Red Paradise Fish are native to East Asia, specifically China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. They inhabit slow-moving or stagnant waters such as rice paddies, swamps, and ponds.
Tank Setup:
To provide a suitable environment for the Red Paradise Fish, a tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons is recommended. The tank should be well-filtered and have plenty of hiding spots such as plants, rocks, and driftwood. It is important to maintain a stable water temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C) and a pH level of 6.0-8.0.
Diet and Nutrition:
Red Paradise Fish are omnivorous and will readily accept a variety of foods. Their diet should consist of high-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
Size and Growth Rate:
Adult Red Paradise Fish can reach a size of up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length. They have a moderate growth rate and can take several months to reach their full size.
Behavioral Traits:
Red Paradise Fish are known for their territorial behavior, especially during breeding. They can be aggressive towards other fish, particularly males of the same species. It is recommended to keep them in a species-only tank or with peaceful tank mates.
Care Level:
The care level for Red Paradise Fish is considered moderate. They require regular water maintenance, a balanced diet, and a suitable tank setup to thrive.
Breeding and Reproduction:
Breeding Red Paradise Fish can be a rewarding experience. They are bubble nest builders, and the male will construct a nest at the water’s surface using plant material. After spawning, the male will guard the nest until the fry hatch. It is advisable to provide floating plants for the fry to hide in.
Health and Disease Prevention:
To ensure the health of Red Paradise Fish, it is important to maintain good water quality, provide a balanced diet, and monitor for any signs of disease. Regular water changes and quarantine procedures for new fish can help prevent the spread of diseases.
Optimal Water Conditions:
Red Paradise Fish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. The ideal temperature range is between 72-82°F (22-28°C), and the pH level should be maintained between 6.0-8.0. It is important to avoid sudden fluctuations in water parameters.
With proper care, Red Paradise Fish can live for 3-5 years. However, some individuals have been known to live longer under optimal conditions.
Additional Interesting Facts:
– Red Paradise Fish are known for their vibrant red coloration, which intensifies during breeding.
– They belong to the labyrinth fish family, which means they have a specialized labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air from the water’s surface.
– Red Paradise Fish are hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
– They are active swimmers and enjoy exploring their surroundings.
– Red Paradise Fish have been bred in various color variations, including blue, yellow, and black.
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