Apistogramma Borellii «Opal» – Opal Umbrella Cichlid – Dwarf American Cichlid


Apistogramma Borellii «Opal» – Opal Umbrella Cichlid – Dwarf American Cichlid. A comprehensive guide to caring for and enjoying this stunning and popular species of Dwarf American Cichlid. Native to the rivers and streams of South America, the Opal Umbrella Cichlid thrives in a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. With a varied diet and peaceful nature, these cichlids make a great addition to community aquariums. Breeding and reproduction are relatively easy, and with proper care, they can live for 3 to 5 years. Ideal for aquarists looking for a small and colorful cichlid species.

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Apistogramma Borellii «Opal» – Opal Umbrella Cichlid – Dwarf American Cichlid


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