6 X Rummy-Nose Tetras – Hemigrammus Rhodostomus – South American Tetras (6)


The 6 X Rummy-Nose Tetras – Hemigrammus Rhodostomus – South American Tetras (6) are stunning and captivating fish that will enhance the beauty and liveliness of your aquarium. These tetras are known for their vibrant red noses and shimmering silver bodies, making them a favorite among fish enthusiasts. They are peaceful and social creatures, ideal for community tanks. With their striking appearance and friendly nature, they will undoubtedly become the centerpiece of your aquarium. These tetras are easy to care for and adapt well to various water conditions. They are omnivorous, providing flexibility in their diet. Add a touch of vibrancy and elegance to your fish tank with these Rummy-Nose Tetras.

1983 in stock